Boom's niece and nephew, Naan's kids.

My two Thai language teachers, Ajahn Siribun on the left and Ajahn Suriporn on the right, in the Thai department admiring the new baby of another teacher.

My music teacher Ajahn Siranat (in the tie) and one of the student photographers. The student is the brother of the xylophone player, can't miss the resemblance.

YaJing from China, my AFS adviser Ajahn Jiaranai, Julian from Germany. We were dressed up for the Wisdom ceremony, and seated in our seats of honor (AFSers always get the sofa, while the students sit cross-legged on the floor.)

This is Master Jeffrey, English teacher at the local elementary school. He's from New Jersey, has lived in Thailand for thirteen years.

These are Mae and Gan, my favorite kid-friends. Their mother is on the left, is a science teacher at the school.

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