Monday, July 5, 2010

school days, early July

It seems the beginning of the month is the time for students to get a haircut--you can see the boys newly shorn. I think the girls also had a trim, though it's harder to tell for sure. Already I'm starting to feel nostalgic; I'll only witness three more shearings before it's time for me to leave :(
The left picture above is of the "welcome circle" for YaiJing, an AFS teaching assistant from China. They did the same for me; it's quite something!
The Buddha sits in his pavilion at the side of the central court, thus oversees each assembly, all the ceremonies, also the pick-up basketball, soccer, and volleyball games. Buddha is a conscious part of the morning assembly, is acknowledged with more or less decorum in each ceremony. The sportsmen and -women on the court may also be glad of a Buddha-presence; I'm not sure.

And now some logistics about campus life; I'm sure some of you have been curious--
water in and water out, respectively; on the left is the re-fill stand for water bottles.
I've actually come to appreciate the squat-toilet, works fine, minimal water use, feels clean and sensible once I'm used to it.

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