My sister laughed: "Only Sue would feel the need for a vacation after four and a half months in Thailand." True. But even before heading to Thailand I knew I'd want a transition, de-briefing and reorienting before being functional back home. I chose Lopez Island off the coast of Washington, visiting my friends Mary and Glen. An excellent choice it proved to be.
Lopez is about the size and shape of Manhatten Island (thus about the size and shape of Bellingham, MA), beautiful and varied, mostly pasture and farms with some wonderful state parks. We hiked, enjoyed the wind and water, and I re-acclimated to a chilly climate.
One day was spent in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. While Mary played duplicate bridge and Glen recovered from a cold, I explored on my own--my first time in five months to wander independently. Fun shops, nice people, Northwest art, always the orienting point of the slope down to the water.
It was great to be a welcomed observer in American activities in which I didn't need to function, and Mary and Glen were wonderful at absorbing my need to talk about Thailand non-stop for a few days.
Mt. Baker in the background is a reminder that the islands are surrounded by active volcanoes, which could erupt at any time; in the meantime the snowy peaks are stunningly beautiful. The ferry is the only way to get out to the islands, so all inter-island planning needs to work around ferry schedules. Some meetings are held on the ferry so all islanders can attend.
The gulls looked quite familiar, same as on Cha-am beach in Petchaburi and the same as in Rockport, MA.
Now I'm back in Massachusetts, slowly unpacking and shifting my thoughts to family, holidays, getting back to work (where?) This afternoon Dave will give me a driving lesson, to re-acquaint me with my car and Massachusetts drivers.
In some ways Thailand now seems very far away; and yet it will always be with me in every place I go. Tangible take-aways: many photos, many gifts, new skills in Thai cooking and massage, an admiration (no mastery yet) of the Thai language. Less tangible: a Buddhist appreciation for what is rather than what ought to be, some ideas on teaching English, increasing fondness for spicy food. And vivid memories of fine people.